Libraries & Bindings
Official Resources
ReScript's new standard library. Intended to be familiar for JavaScript developers, easy to use, and be rich enough (without being bloated) so that you don't need to reach for anything else for typical ReScript development.
React bindings for ReScript
The motiviation of this repo is that when ReScript users want to share their library with JS users, the JS users don't need have ReScript toolchain installed, this makes sharing code with JS users easier (more details on that topic can be found in our [Ex
ReScript Tools
LSP server for ReScript
The most minimalistic testing library you will find for testing ReScript code
Better interop with JS & TS in ReScript
Community Resources
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𧬠The fastest parser in the entire JavaScript ecosystem with a focus on small bundle size and top-notch DX
ReScript bindings for react-navigation.
β‘οΈ ReScript bindings for @chakra-ui/react
Reimplementation of classnames in ReScript
π Typesafe JSON Schema for ReScript
ReScript bindings for react-native-svg.
ReScript bindings for react-native-safe-area-context.
Light and type-safe binding to JS promises
π Makes sure you don't accidentally deploy apps with missing or invalid environment variables
ReScript bindings for email-validator
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui (MUI).
Node bindings for ReScript
ReScript bindings for Contentful
**β οΈ Note :** This is a fork based on the [excellent work]( of [paulshen](
ReScript bindings for React Native.
ReScript toolchain
> A lightweight test framework for ReScript
Combinator library for JSON decoding and encoding.
Zero-cost rescript bindings to the WHATWG Fetch API
A ReScript web router for RescriptRelay.
Use Relay with ReScript.
Rescript bindings to the Jest testing framework
ReScript bindings for ky HTTP client
JSON encoding and decoding for ReScript
ReScript JSON serializations that match Haskell aeson
![ReScript Colisweb toolkit](/media/image.jpg)
ANSI code to HTML
Debounce hooks for @rescript/react
ReScript PPX to generate rescript-schema from type
Easy to use automatic diagram layout component in react
ReScript support for lite-jsx, a lightweight library to generate HTML. A good match for something like HTMX.
Tool to support usage of a vendored standard library in ReScript
JSX types and bindings to use ReScript and HTMX together.
Kind of an IndexedDB ORM written in ReScript with no runtime dependencies.
Simple JSON deserializer for ReScript
Rescript bindings for Rxjs
This library is a fork and re-design of [rescript-react-update](
Runtime free ReScript bindings for Ava
A lightweight HTTP client library for ReScript, designed to be used immediately.
This is project is based on the great old [reroute]( module. It's just using the latest Reason React API (hooks & context).
Lazy sequences for ReScript.
Useful general-purpose utility functions and modules for ReScript projects.
ReScript PPX which generate JSON (de)serializer
Rescript bindings for Cypress
π΄ ReScript RPC-like client, contract, and server implementation for a pure REST API
Form validation tool for @rescript/react
rescript module for sendig ajax via axious
Test rescript-aeson encode and decode functions against golden files generated from the Haskell library hspec-golden-aeson
Logging implementation for ReScript
rescript bindings for auth0's react library
A functional ReScript server framework for Javascript runtimes. Currently supports Express and Bun.
ReScript bindings for react-query
Debounce for ReScript
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui-lab.
```sh npm install @vlk/rescript-future ```
Throttle for ReScript
jest-dom bindings for Rescript
Drag-n-drop for @rescript/react
A template for ReactJS with ReScript and TypeScript
Throttle hooks for @rescript/react
ReScript binding to @tabler/icons-react
ReScript PPX validates the tailwindcss class names
π Date manipulation in ReScript.
ReScript bindings for tanstack-react-table
Use Bun with ReScript.
Elaborate form validation system for Rescript
a plugin for integration ReScript with most Bundler (Vite, Rollup, Webpack, Esbuild, etc).
NobleAI optinionated frame for unifying external core libraries
ReScript bindings, modules, and functions for Remix.
Use EdgeDB in ReScript.
A ReScript framework for building server-driven web sites and applications. Use familiar tech like JSX and the component model from React, combined with simple server driven client side technologies like HTMX. Built on Bun and Vite.
ReScript bindings for mocha
ReScript bindings for antd
This library provides Rescript Bindings for sentry-react
ReScript module to convert the number to Korean
Quickly create new ReScript apps from project templates.
Rescript bindings for Hono
highlight.js syntax definition for ReScript programming language
Rescript Bindings for Testing Library
πΈοΈ Typesafe OpenAPI for ReScript
cnip is a simple command-line snippet management tool.
lightning-fast testing for a lightning-fast compiler
Unofficial ReScript binding to @heroicons/react
rescript api for node-html-parser package
Rescript Bindings for Lodash
ReScript PPX which generates the bindings for react-hook-form
dayjs type binding for rescript
Code coverage for OCaml and Reason
SWR bindings for ReScript
ReScript bindings for react-hook-form
Rescript bindings for Jotai (react state management).
ReScript bindings for date-fns
ReScript bindings to date-fns
ReScript bindings for msw
ReScript bindings for ky HTTP client with rescript-promise
FluentCI SDK for Rescript
provides api for result<'a, exn> type
ReScript bindings for react-native-reanimated v2
ReScript bindings to @egjs/hammerjs
A standard library for ReScript with a focus on Functional Programming
Atdgen prebuilt binaries for 3 major OS platforms.
NobleAI tool for generating rescript library documentation
Simple GeoJSON decoder library for ReScript based on @glennsl/rescript-json-combinators.
Rescript bindings for the [Commander javascript library](
ReScript bindings for react-dsfr
A module for explicability from the trace of a catala program
Rescript bindings for PeerJS
ReScript bindings to the DOM and other Web APIs
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/netinfo.
ReScript bindings for react-native-device-info.
Rescript Bindings for Vitest
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/cameraroll.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/clipboard.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-async-storage/async-storage.
ReScript bindings for react-native-keychain.
ReScript bindings for Jest
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/viewpager.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-picker/picker.
ReScript bindings for react-native-image-picker.
Rescript configuration library for nodejs
ReScript bindings for react-native-webview.
Generete ReactIntl.messages
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/image-editor.
ReScript bindings for react-native-paper.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/push-notification-ios.
ReScript bindings for react-native-inappbrowser
ReScript bindings for react-native-linear-gradient.
ReScript bindings for react-native-safe-area-view.
ReScript bindings for react-native-permissions.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/datetimepicker.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/slider.
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/geolocation.
ReScript Bindings for the Fetch API
Rescript bindings for [uuid](
ReScript bindings for rescript-use-debounce
A library for constraining types with an interface is similar to Belt.Id.
Library of computations defined by French legislative texts, extract from Catala programs (
ReScript bindings for Nock
ReScript bindings for React Linkify
**This is vendored stdlib for personal usage**
ReScript bindings for the docx.js lib
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This package helps you convert between Rescript values and JSON values.
A general purpose PPX and library for embedding other languages into ReScript, via code generation.
Transform SVG files into React components, Native and/or Web, JavaScript, TypeScript and ReScript. Without shitload of dependencies.
Code coverage for OCaml and Reason
Suspenders ==========
ReScript bindings for NativeBase
Build a dogumentation for you Rescript React components
Reasonably making forms with ReScript and React sound good
Rescript wrapper over graphqljs library
Reactive State Manager
<img src="docs/garter.svg" alt="garter" width="200" height="200" align="right" />
ReScript language support (official)
Rescript React static site generator
ReScript bindings for Next.js
Fast-check bindings for ReScript
## Installation
ReScript toolchain
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/checkbox.
ReScript bindings for rn-fetch-blob.
React Native template for application developed with ReScript.
Rescript wrapper for graphql-relay library
ReScript bindings to react-intl
A ReScript implementation of the blossom maximum-matching algorithm
A Rescript package for functional data structure.
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui.
<p align="center"> <img width="160" src="restorative.png" /> </p>
Reason/OCaml PPX generating ReactIntl `id` from `defaultMessage`
ReScript bindings for react-navigation.
This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui-lab.
Color constrast helpers to achieve the WCAG 2.0 standard
2020 proposal for new ReScript promise bindings
ReScript binding to Daum Postcode
> **Note** > This is just a first pass at this. Some stuff isn't supported yet. Expect some bugs.
Remove empty or nullable values from JavaScript objects
> useReducer with updates and side effects!
Fast, small color manipulation and conversion
The only official ReScript starter template.
ReScript bindings for @testing-library/dom
ReScript bindings for @testing-library/react
Cron for NodeJS. Execute something at a schedule.
Rescript bindings for React Leaflet
Mock Js.Date when run unit test cases with Jest. Make tests of Js.Date easier.
ReScript bindings for polished.
Migrate files between .re .rei .res .resi .ml .mli extensions for ocaml, reasonml, bucklescript and rescript syntaxes
Quickly add reasonml and rescript gitignore values to your project
This is a ppx for using the withStyles component in ReScript Material-UI
Published in NPM as `@MikeSkoe/rex`
The Elm Architecture (TEA) for Rescript
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ReScript bindings for Big.js library
Parse dates and numbers using the Intl API in ReScript
Phone number formatter for Swedish phone numbers